Operate with Zen

39. "Dancing in the Rain" with Dr. James Harris

May 03, 2022 Phil Pierorazio Season 4 Episode 4

"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain." 
– Vivian Greene 

Dr. James Harris is a general surgeon and Chair of Surgery at Howard County General Hospital of Johns Hopkins Medicine.  James is an incredible surgeon and role model whose personal story has taken tremendous twists and turns.  Despite the ups and downs, James always finds a way to "dance" and dance well.  He newest endeavor, Doc Health & Fitness (dochealthfitness.com; IG: dochealthandfitness; YouTube: DocHealth & Fitness) combines passions for health, fitness, and well-being with his love for surgery and caring for patients. (Music Credit: Sunshine, Simon Jomphe Lepine.)