Operate with Zen

67. The Golden Hour with Jeff Bloovman

Phil Pierorazio Season 7 Episode 2

Jeff Bloovman, BSN, RN, is an operating room nurse with really unique interests and perspectives on life.  He has been an actor and director, is currently a firearms and combat instructor as well as an avid practitioner and instructor of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  Like many of us, Jeff is also challenged by an extremely active mind.  What do all of these experiences have in common?  They are all enhanced through mindfulness practices.  Whether focusing on a gun, your combatant, a theatre scene, or a busy operating room – being in the moment, both enjoying the moment and focusing in the present, can enhance the experience and the outcome.  I hope you enjoy this really fun conversation, I did! 

Below are some of the links referenced throughout Jeff’s conversation:

Practically Tactical Podcast: https://www.practicallytactical.com/episodes

Rolling Stone:
Pink Pistols: LGBT Gun Owners Unite in Arming Gay Community https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/pink-pistols-lgbt-gun-owners-unite-in-arming-gay-community-177899/

Washington Post:
For years, he tried to get other gay people to the gun range. Would they come now?  https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/for-years-he-tried-to-get-other-gay-people-to-the-gun-range-would-they-come-now/2016/06/21/0f672b02-3724-11e6-9ccd-d6005beac8b3_story.html

Huffington Post Video:
At The Shooting Range With The Pink Pistols, A Gay Gun Group https://www.huffpost.com/entry/at-the-shooting-range-with-the-pink-pistols-a-gay-gun-group_n_5b4f4938e4b004fe162f865e

The Feed YouTube:  Gays & Guns: Fighting homophobia with bullets - YouTube

One Man Army (Discovery Channel): Season 1, Episode 1